Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chore Chart

Another craft inspired by Pinterest!

We recently started allowing Owen to earn a little money (literally: penny, nickel, dime or quarter) for certain jobs. Of course, most things are just expected as a member of our family, but for those things that really help us out, DH decided to reward him. I thought it was the perfect chance to combine several ideas I had pinned.

I took the inspiration for the magnets from HERE and the inspiration for the magnet board from HERE

-I took a cookie sheet from the dollar store, punched holes in the top for the ribbon (w/ nail & hammer) and then wrapped & mod podged fabric around it.
-I die-cut the letters out of scrapbook paper & then mod-podged them on cardstock. I mod-podged the "to do" and "done" headings onto the board.
-I mod-podged a small piece of ribbon to divide the "to do" and "done" sections
-The orginal magnetic strip did not stay on very well, so I had to change to stronger magnets.
-These new, stronger magnets had to be hot-glued onto the marble stones. So, they started to get a little heavy.
-To prevent my board from falling down under the weight of the heavier magnets (there are 10 altogether) I keep several of the extra chores on the dishwasher
-I put the ribbon through the top, tied it & hung it on a cute knob in the corner of the kitchen.

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